<aside> <img src="/icons/book_orange.svg" alt="/icons/book_orange.svg" width="40px" /> Welcome to the online product documentation of the Quill eSigning and eSealing platform.

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This guide provides a clear walkthrough on how to effectively use templates in the Quill platform for managing collections. It highlights the benefits of templates in ensuring consistency and efficiency when dealing with dossiers.

The content starts by outlining the significance of templates in maintaining a uniform structure across documents while saving time by automating repetitive fields and document inclusions. It then takes you through step-by-step instructions on creating, managing, and applying templates, including accessing the template module, filling in key fields like document names and placeholders, and adding necessary documents to a dossier.

Additionally, the guide demonstrates how to apply templates to new dossiers, assign signature fields, and define signing orders, either in parallel or serially for multiple signers. It also emphasizes the importance of maintaining consistency across multiple documents in a dossier, before concluding with how to save and finalize dossiers for future use.

By following this guide, users can streamline their document management process, ensuring efficiency and consistent formatting within the Quill platform.

Step 1: Accessing the Templates Module

Step 2: Creating a New Template

Step 3: Adding Documents to the Collection

Step 4: Editing the Template and Assigning Signature Fields

Step 5: Saving the Template

Step 7: Finalizing the Collection

Step 1: Accessing the Templates Module

Log in to the Quill platform.

Step 2: Creating a New Template